How To Make an Outdoor Sofa

Today we're gonna make an outdoor sofa. I made the sides of the sofa out of two four by eight the bottom and back are made out of two by eights. I used L brackets to hold everything together and I bought outdoor cushions from Ikea. I don't remember their names. I'm going to start by taking the 8 foot long 4 by eights and cutting them into three. 32 inch long pieces the easiest way to do this is with a compound miter saw but if you don't have one of these you can also do it with a circular saw. You just have to make two passes because they're so thick. Next I'm going to cut the two by eights to length now. I want the length of them to equal the length of the three sofa cushions combined I'm gonna sand each piece of wood that I just cut with an orbital sander. Now I want to screw these four by eight blocks together but it's hard to find screws that are long enough to go all the way through one of them. So what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna drill large holes about halfway through the four by eight.

Then I'm gonna be able to take lag screws and screw through the bottom of these holes and into the other four by eight. I used a socket attachment on my driver to drive the lag screws through the bottom of the hole and into the bottom four by eight. Now with my previous endorse OPA project, I just used biscuits and glue to hold them together. This sensor is going to be outside. I didn't really trust the glue against the elements. So that's why I ended up using lag screws to hold these all together, but basically the concept is the same.

I'm gonna make a panel that's three pieces of wood tall now that I've made the two side panels out of four by eight. All I have to do really is just screw in the l-brackets add in the two by eights and I have the sofa I laid out the l-bracket. So that the bottom of them would align with the seam between the four by eight. Now I just have to lay in the two by eight and then screw up through the l-brackets and into the two by eight to fasten it all together. Now it's probably actually a little bit easier to assemble it upside down but I wanted to kind of see how it would look as I put it together. So that's why I did it this way for the back piece. I want it to be at a slight angle so for this one. I'm gonna measure it with a speed square to make sure that I have both angle brackets at the right angle. Now the sofa looks pretty good as is but it's gonna go outside. So eventually the Sun will make the wood pretty grey. So I decided just to preemptively stain it gray with a Minwax product. So we applied the stain and then we let it sit for about 15 or 20 minutes before wiping off the excess stain with a clean rag once. The stain had fully dried we threw on the cushions and tested it out.

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